Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Don't Tell Me, Show Me.

The president's speech to school kids, on the face of it, was alright by me.

Regardless of the overheated rhetoric on all sides of this matter, what he said was good for kids to hear.

However, as with ANY politician, what they say is not as important as what they do. Actions speak louder than words. Keep your eyes wide open.

Recalling a saying I heard while in show business, "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."
Frankly, I really don't trust any politician fully, just like I hesitate to trust a lawyer not paid by me.
Remember the old saw about lawyers? - "How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving.". The same holds true for politicos.

I took 'read my lips' with a grain of salt (rock salt size).
With any public office holder, I would say,
"Don't tell me who you are, SHOW me who you are. Your say-so is not enough.
I'll decide for myself about your trustworthiness."

He's my president, too.

But, I won't back him blindly or uncritically.